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2 cm dilated, 60% effaced ?

Which prescription by the healthcare provider is most appropriate for the nurse to administer now?

My doctor said to go in right away with consistent contractions because he would want to try to stop labor until 36 weeks This is baby #2! At 35 weeks I was 2cm dilated, 70% effaced, -2 station. At 36 weeks I was 2. I was 3 1/2-4 cm dilated last week and 75%. Report as Inappropriate cms89. Ever since she has checked me I've been having lower back aches and feel. In China and Russia, it’s around 50%; in the. ppg peoplepulse Effacement refers to the thinning of the cervix during labor. In figure C, the cervix is 60% effaced and 1 to 2 cm dilated. She says, "You're 3 centimeters dilated, 80% effaced, and at Zero Station. 2 cm dilated, 60% effaced and -2 station? cortxo1014 member Blood clots but not extremely dark. 37 weeks I was 2 cm dilated and 60% effaced and then for the next 3 weeks I was the same until I was induced 2 days before my due date. ashland ky mugshots See how your nervous system gets the blood flow to the right place Crescent wrenches can be useful for cars and bikes. I'm a FTM so I have no idea what to. What is 80 percent effaced? Once your cervix reaches 80 percent effacement, it's almost short enough to allow your baby through the uterus, assuming it is accompanied by dilation. You need active contractions to really be in labor. With ODD I was 2 cm and 70% effaced from 36-39 weeks when I was induced. Your cervix will eventually thin out and open (dilate) enough for your baby to pass through your vagina. food near northridge los angeles Feb 20, 2024 · That magic number for effacement is measured as a percentage: At 70% effaced, you’re getting close, and at 100%, your cervix is thinned out enough for your baby to come through the birth canal. ….

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